Dissipwave3D – Bioinspired metastructures capable of attenuating the impact of waves

  • Institut de Recherche Dupuy de Lôme (IRDL)
  • Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
  • Funds (yyyyy)
  • Candidate : xxxx
  • Academic guidance : Arnaud Perrot, Nadia Ameziane, Mickael Castro, Antoine Le Duigou

This research project aims to develop bioinspired metastructures capable of attenuating the impact of waves and reducing the effects of coastal erosion through architectural effects. The innovation is based on a top-down biomimetic approach supported by a multidisciplinary consortium. This will enable knowledge to be transferred from a natural solution such as Hermelles reefs, from the abstraction of their dissipative principle through morpho-functional analysis to the generative design of composite metastructures and their manufacture using multi-material organic/inorganic 3D printing. The proposed metastructures will be mechanically tested in the laboratory and then in a wave channel before being immersed in real conditions.