Research description

Bionics is the science that searches plants and animals for models for technical achievements. It is based on the study of biological systems to develop by biomimicry non-biological systems likely to have technological applications.

The aim of this research group is to propose new generation of weather-adaptive, autonomously actuated shape-changing composites composite materials with reduced environmental footprint. Multi-disciplinary approach is applied by bringing together Eco-design, biomimicry and digital fabrication (3D/4D printing) with polymer/composite material sciences

Here are our key actions :

> Describing, understanding biological nastic and tropic systems (pine cone, wheat awn, sunflower, carnivorous plant…).

Bionics Describing, understanding biological nastic and tropic systems
Bionics Describing, understanding biological nastic and tropic systems
Bionics Describing, understanding biological nastic and tropic systems

> Transferring natural microstructure-related principle to novel smarts materials with original shape-changing properties in response to environmental stimuli (moisture, temperature, radiation)

Bionics Transferring natural microstructure-related principle to novel smarts materials with original shape-changing properties in response to environmental stimuli

> Design and simulation of biological and synthetic architectures

> Improve shape-changing ability with multi-stimuli responsive materials for weather responsive (autonomous) or controlled response

Bionics Group
Bionics Group

> Developing novel additive manufacturing route to embedded smart function