What a great news coming from our University – Université de Bretagne-Sud – regarding Stanford University Scientists Rankings 2023… One of the last emails of the year has arrived from our university, announcing that both Pr. Antoine Le Duigou and Dr. Mickael Castro are in the list !
Antoine is ranked 1235th / 281 605 and, Mickael is ranked 5398th / 281 605 in the Materials field. More about this news on our University website (french version) https://www-actus.univ-ubs.fr/fr/index/articles-chroniques/recherche/classement-de-stanford.html
As of 2019, Stanford University publishes annual data for the top 2% of the world’s most cited researchers in 22 scientific fields and 176 subfields, as stated, “A publicly accessible database of the most cited scientists that provides standardized information on citations, h-index, hm-index adjusted for co-authorship, article citations in different author positions, and a composite indicator (c-score).” – Elsevier BV.